Grand Sirenis


The Grand Sirenis Resort REVIEW by - junnipper

have to share my experience with a time-share salesman from the Mayan Palace. It was horrible to say the least. They enticed the couple we were travelling with by promising us free admission to Xcarat, and a free bottle of liquor. Our friends wanted to go and see what this was all about as they were told they were merely reviewing the facilities and would help promote the resort through word of mouth. The man on the street would say just about anything to get us there. I knew better but went anyhow... what a regret!

When we arrived they played the game well, apologizing for the initial contact (William)’s ruthless ways of getting us the resort and asked us what tactics he used. (To me this was a way for them to find out what works in getting people in and not a means to reprimand William). The Sales rep Tomy a man originally from Lebanon greeted us by replying F*** no when asked by our friends if he spoke French. Clue number one to his rudeness. I made sure we didn't "qualify" for the offer by lying about our finances. The other couple we were with however did not have the foresight to do this and wanted to go on tour of the resort. As we were touring we met up with another salesman, a rather obese man who was pushing an older lady in a wheelchair. He was sweating profusely from the effort and pronounced that she was too heavy to push. Her poor husband insisted he do the pushing even though the salesman was many times his junior he seemed to be prostrating from the task of pushing a wheelchair. In the end the kind lady possibly embarrassed from being indirectly called fat and possible embarrassed for causing such unnecessary to do decided to walk. It was this time Tomy jumped in the wheelchair and his colleague raced up and down the hallway with him. How very immature and unprofessional.

After 2 hours we were brought back to the main area for some hard hitting sales pitches. It was then that I demanded our promised items as I had given them more than the promised 90 minutes of my vacation time. Tomy turned childish and pouted that we were ruining his chances of selling to our friends. I said sell to them all you want I want my stuff and will wait for them outside. He said I wasn’t tied to the chair and I said I wouldn’t leave until they held their part of the bargain. Sensing my anger he passed us off to a woman who took us outside. I am sure she didn’t want a scene in a large room full of poor unsuspecting tourist. By then my husband and the other couple were also upset and we demanded our gifts in parting. She wanted to keep us longer in order to evaluate our experience. Again we were passed off to a third person. It was then that I made up my mind to write a review of our experience on line both here and on trip advisor so others may avoid such an unpleasant experience.

As we were walking towards the counter to get our items. Tomy brushed passed me and said "Go get your free s*** lady" clearly unprofessional and immature. Standing in line was another 30 minutes and I happened to glance over at Tomy who was sitting with a colleague. He tapped on his watched and smirked as if to say look how much of your time I am wasting. Infuriated I glared at him and not a word of lie he called me a b****.

Now I beg of you all if you do not want to be insulted, and intimidated in a foreign country do not fall for their promises of free gifts etc. Regardless of whether or not you attend you are not personally responsible for William on the streets children. He told us he wouldn’t be able to feed his kids if we didn't take him up on the offer. Later we were told these street people (same as in the airport when you first land) make over $500 a week soliciting tourists. Not only is Tomy a salesman he is also a member as non-members cannot be salesman so if you do decide to join this merry gang of bullies you will be sitting next to him at the pool…oh and did I mention him staring at my chest!

So don't fall for it. The tour and free breakfast hardly made the insults tolerable. Consider how much money you make an hour and times that by the minimum of 3 hours they keep you. For most of us this factoring of money and time far exceeds the value of whatever gift they offer.

To Tomy I hope the Karma gods are harsh on you. No one deserves to be verbally abused as we have, and to all my fellow travellers and those staying at the Grand Sirenis...never will you be spoken to in such a manner. The staffs at this resort are top notch and high class. Enjoy your stay and have fun. Ignore the time-share people and spend your money... nothing in life is free.



This website is in no way associated or affiliated with GRAND SIRENIS HOTELS & RESORTS.